One Touch Switching test platform

This site provides an unofficial, independant, free, test environment for One Touch Switching development.

If you are not a UK communications provider with consumers as customers, this site is not for you.

Why would someone use this?

Under OFCOM General Conditions, One Touch Switching is mandatory for all UK fixed broadband and fixed telephony providers with consumer customers, even if just retail providers of someone else's service.

One Touch Switching is managed by TOTSCO Ltd. But at this point their simulator seems not to be fit for purpose, and does not follow the OTS specification even for simple things like the URL paths used (see blog post). This site is designed to provide an easy to use, useful, self service platform, with no need to book a test slot. It means it can be used to test as you go during development if you want. It should be useful to any CP that is developing One Touch Switching (before you go on to TOTSCO testing). It may also be useful to CPs that have already developed their One Touch Switching that want to check against an external test system. Obviously we think this meets the spec, but will be happy to update if we have any errors or the spec changes.

This service is provided free of charge, and sponsored by FireBrick. It is not affiliated with, or endorsed by, TOTSCO Ltd.

To start using this service, enter your email address at your CP, and you will be emailed a link.

For suggestions and support, raise issues on GitHub

This site does not store personal information. This site may be improved, changed, or temporarily out of service, at any time without notice. Operated by Andrews & Arnold Ltd, UK company 3342760. Sponsored by FireBrick. This site is free of charge and provided on basis that no liability is accepted for any errors or omissions, or otherwise.